Se den unge kvinde gå langs denne strand med knust sind og tomme hænder; hun ved hvad det vil sige - djævelen er ikke udenfor men indeni; hun ved hvad det vil sige - en lidelse så dyb at hun ikke findes men kun Gud er der.
Se den lille dreng med de brune skuldre flintre rundt på den samme strand årtier før; engang skal en knuse hans hjerte som en gletcher der langsomt langsomt knuser et landskab, et liv, et sind.
De jagende tanker, den forfærdelige uro i sindet; tusind pile skyder du af hver time mod dig selv.
Se disse to med dødens skarpe brod i hjertet gå i havet og blive kastet tilbage sammenkrummede som forvitrede døde sten idet de hører livet sige:
Præcis fra denne tomme strand som alle frygter og ingen vender tilbage fra uden at blive en anden, fra denne strand som hedder sjælens død, skal dit træ slå sin dybeste rod og gro den smukkeste gren; For den der går vejen her kender alt menneskeligt.
Roen - det der kan bære din eksistens - er ikke et fjernt paradis, fjernt i tid og rum og uden for dig selv - men er i din kerne, dit indre.
Herfra lever din sjæl uden frygt.
(English translation made by myself)
Strange beach
Behold, this young woman walking this beach with a broken mind and empty hands; she knows what it means: That the devil is not outside but inside; She knows what it means: A suffering so deep that she does not exist and only God is there.
Behold, this little boy with his suntanned shoulders running the same beach decades ago; eventually someone will break his heart like a glacier slowly oh so slow chrushing a landscape, a life, a mind.
(English translation made by myself)
Strange beach
Behold, this young woman walking this beach with a broken mind and empty hands; she knows what it means: That the devil is not outside but inside; She knows what it means: A suffering so deep that she does not exist and only God is there.
Behold, this little boy with his suntanned shoulders running the same beach decades ago; eventually someone will break his heart like a glacier slowly oh so slow chrushing a landscape, a life, a mind.
The chasing thoughts, the terrible noise in your mind; A thousand arrows you shoot every hour against yourself.
Behold, these two with the sharp sting of death in their hearts walking into the sea and being thrown back upon the beach crumbled like dead stones hearing the voice of life saying:
Precisely from this empty beach which everybody fears and from where noone returns unchanged, this beach named death of the soul, your tree will grow its deepest root and fairest branch; for he who walks this path knows everything which is human.
Behold, these two with the sharp sting of death in their hearts walking into the sea and being thrown back upon the beach crumbled like dead stones hearing the voice of life saying:
Precisely from this empty beach which everybody fears and from where noone returns unchanged, this beach named death of the soul, your tree will grow its deepest root and fairest branch; for he who walks this path knows everything which is human.
The peace - that which can carry your existence - is not a distant paradise, distant in space and time and outside yourself - but is in your core, within you.
From here on your soul lives without any fear.
From here on your soul lives without any fear.
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