Note: This is an english translation of my latest blogpost which I have made myself. I want to apologize in advance for any inaquracy in the translation
Besides the mere principle argument that might be held against the thought, that the bible or the qu´ran (or any text) is the full and whole truth given to us humans by God - that it is impossible and contradictory to claim, that only God is omniscient, that the fall of "Adam and Eve" happened because they wanted to be like God in His omniscience, whereafter God reveals "all truth" to us humans in the bible or the qu´ran (or any text, including "Toward the Light") - it is easy to show (at the risk of saying the selfevident) that neither the bible nor the qu´ran (or other texts) can contain all truth, because in the bible and the qu´ran you look in vain for;
- the true distance from the Earth to the Sun, the size of the Universe, its structure etc
- what happens at excactly this moment at Sdr Boulevard in Odense, Denmark, in a given building at New Zealand etc
- excactly which thoughts a random human being has in this particular moment, and which he or she had a second ago, is going to have in a year etc
- which laws that apply to the fundamental parts of the world, the elementary particles, the physics and energy of solid mass etc
- etc etc etc
Can we then say, that the bible or the qu´ran are true in all that they reveal to us, the microscopic part of the truth that they reveal?
Hardly. As said before it is absurd to imagine, that the Allmight of the light and love occasionally let a fire go from His being to kill people (the old testament), absurd to claim eternal suffering of the doomed or the non-belivers etc etc. In generel, the image of God that is shown in these works is that of an allmighty tyrant, and not that of a loving God and Father.
Is everything in the bible or the qu´ran then false?
Hardly neither. There are passages which point toward the true God, the God of the light, peace and love, for instance in 3. Moshe, 19, 18 (according to the danish translation) where God reveals the demand to love our neighbours or the passages in the qu´ran where the mercy and love of God shine through. But these passages are few compared to the many passages where God is threatening, comdemning, exclusive etc.
The conclusion must be, that neither the bible nor the qu´ran is the full and whole truth, which applies to any text or revelation, since a complete account of all truth must contain all thoughts and deeds of all humans (and God) for all eternity, all that happens from eternity to eternity, all laws of mass and psyche (or spirit), all interactions on an atomic and subatomic level by all elementary particles from eternity to eternity etc etc, which of course is impossible for us humans to know or understand.
This might serve as a generel rejection of the thought of a full and complete and final revelation in any form - not just that neither the bible nor the qu´ran are such revelations.
The thought of human omniscience (human=God) through any kind of revelation is not confined to the bible or the qu´ran alone (or rather the understanding of them; a necessary consequence if you claim that these works contain the full and whole truth), but is also present in modern spirituality and in the works of reckocknized philosophers like Hegel (1770-1831) with his concept of the "absolute knowledge" ("Phänomenologie des Geistes" (1807)).
It is, however, easy to understand, as noted above, that this thought must be rejected, and I think, that the thought that I have given earlier, "By wanting to be like God, we become like the devil", is true.
Besides the mere principle argument that might be held against the thought, that the bible or the qu´ran (or any text) is the full and whole truth given to us humans by God - that it is impossible and contradictory to claim, that only God is omniscient, that the fall of "Adam and Eve" happened because they wanted to be like God in His omniscience, whereafter God reveals "all truth" to us humans in the bible or the qu´ran (or any text, including "Toward the Light") - it is easy to show (at the risk of saying the selfevident) that neither the bible nor the qu´ran (or other texts) can contain all truth, because in the bible and the qu´ran you look in vain for;
- the true distance from the Earth to the Sun, the size of the Universe, its structure etc
- what happens at excactly this moment at Sdr Boulevard in Odense, Denmark, in a given building at New Zealand etc
- excactly which thoughts a random human being has in this particular moment, and which he or she had a second ago, is going to have in a year etc
- which laws that apply to the fundamental parts of the world, the elementary particles, the physics and energy of solid mass etc
- etc etc etc
Can we then say, that the bible or the qu´ran are true in all that they reveal to us, the microscopic part of the truth that they reveal?
Hardly. As said before it is absurd to imagine, that the Allmight of the light and love occasionally let a fire go from His being to kill people (the old testament), absurd to claim eternal suffering of the doomed or the non-belivers etc etc. In generel, the image of God that is shown in these works is that of an allmighty tyrant, and not that of a loving God and Father.
Is everything in the bible or the qu´ran then false?
Hardly neither. There are passages which point toward the true God, the God of the light, peace and love, for instance in 3. Moshe, 19, 18 (according to the danish translation) where God reveals the demand to love our neighbours or the passages in the qu´ran where the mercy and love of God shine through. But these passages are few compared to the many passages where God is threatening, comdemning, exclusive etc.
The conclusion must be, that neither the bible nor the qu´ran is the full and whole truth, which applies to any text or revelation, since a complete account of all truth must contain all thoughts and deeds of all humans (and God) for all eternity, all that happens from eternity to eternity, all laws of mass and psyche (or spirit), all interactions on an atomic and subatomic level by all elementary particles from eternity to eternity etc etc, which of course is impossible for us humans to know or understand.
This might serve as a generel rejection of the thought of a full and complete and final revelation in any form - not just that neither the bible nor the qu´ran are such revelations.
The thought of human omniscience (human=God) through any kind of revelation is not confined to the bible or the qu´ran alone (or rather the understanding of them; a necessary consequence if you claim that these works contain the full and whole truth), but is also present in modern spirituality and in the works of reckocknized philosophers like Hegel (1770-1831) with his concept of the "absolute knowledge" ("Phänomenologie des Geistes" (1807)).
It is, however, easy to understand, as noted above, that this thought must be rejected, and I think, that the thought that I have given earlier, "By wanting to be like God, we become like the devil", is true.
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